What does the yen at a 34-year low mean for Japanese companies, consumers and tourism?

The Japanese yen has fallen sharply to a 34-year low against the US dollar. The weak yen is positive for inbound visitors, but Japanese consumers and companies are feeling the pinch. CNA’s Henry Yin and Michiyo Ishida explain.


  1. I will share a little "secret" about Japan…we all know the country have trillions of dollars sort of "parked" overseas (it doesnt´t show n their official balance)…money that generations of Japanese didn´t have to work anymore…surviving only on such…if they chose to do so…however they found a way to invest it…meaning…weaker the yen…they also make huge profits..

  2. Japan must abolish its tax evasion scheme NISA, if it really is worrying about how to successfully intervene into FX market.

    If Japan doesn't abolish NISA, its intervention to dollar/yen will absolutely fail.

    Resolution matters, which Japanese officials except Ueda fatally lack. Ueda is very exceptionally and seriously addressing yen's depreciation, but politicians don't honestly address it.

    Show your #Resolution! Or any intervention fails.

    Biden Administration should not count on Japan at security issue if it doesn't honestly abolish its tax evasion scheme. Tax evasion scheme Japan is castle built on the sand, and defense strategy that is counting on castle built on the sand absolutely ends up with castle built on the sand.

    Japan's resolution for FX intervention is a typical litmus-test whether it really deserves America's trust or not.

    A country which can't abolish tax evasion scheme can never achieve anything, let alone defending Taiwan.

  3. Japan is keeping interest low to avoid a slow down what is already a fragile economy..against the high interest rates in the us ..Japan is an attractive place for investments and tourism

  4. It's more important than ever to support each other. Buying local helps all of us in Singapore thrive. Let’s do this together! 🌟

  5. Weak Yen probably not a news, but the calm attitude of BOJ in current situation that makes me worry. Furthermore, they even came out and say keeping the rates low or even further stimulus. If another financial crisis storm Asia coming this or next year, Japan is definitely an accomplice of this crisis. It really doesn’t need much. Recent outrageous US Non-Farm Payroll figures that doesn’t make any sense or fact shows FED have no intention of decreasing rates. Just imagine FED reversing the card and further increase the rates to 8%, what will happen to Asia developing countries? If a financial crisis hits Asia this time, I will have no doubt with current geopolitical tensions, it will be much worst than 1997 financial crisis.

  6. 1. 7 punch exicsion one laser one needle and one circumcision and one wisdom tooth extraction 2. join the poclie and army 3. wait for hsr subways drones and automated cars.

  7. Yen drop 10%, food, accommodations, transport, products,…. all increase 30 to 40%. Last Year the transport increased fro 50 to more than 100% insane high in one time increment. Its insane everything are increasing every month. Too many tourist do not survey the prices and spent stupidly.